For Humboldt


In Ontario, weeks after the Humboldt hockey team tragedy, I took down my son’s worn hockey stick that, like many across Canada, had stood at the front door in memory of the lives lost in April. I parked it in the garage ‘til next year.


Hockey stick at front door

I know in my heart, sadly, that many miles away some other hockey sticks will not see another season.

Shelving the weathered stick from son’s teen hockey days, I sighed, mourning for those left behind in the Humboldt community.

Ironically, perhaps, as I closed the garage door, a somewhat reluctant wry grin began to form as I realized and I knew in my heart that many miles away some newly crafted hockey sticks would be picked up for a new season as the indomitable spirit lives on. As another season begins, I wish the best for the Humboldt community & I wrote this haiku poem for them.

Haiku for Humboldt

hockey players gather

fresh sticks whack frozen black puck

heart glides on ice

©2018 Patricia McGoldrick